Product Details
by: Robert J. Sargent.
A course of study in applied ecclesiology, presenting principles and practices for 21st-century Baptist churches.
Topics include:
1. Baptist Distinctives.
2. The Doctrine of the Church.
3. Baptist Baptism
4. Church Membership.
5. Church Discipline.
6. Church Offices.
7. Ordination.
8. Evangelists.
9. Church Government.
10. Church Autonomy.
11. Comparative Ecclesiastical Government.
12. Church Ordinances.
13. Alien Immersion.
14. The Lord′s Supper.
15. Church Meetings.
16. Church Music.
17. Worship.
18. Church Finances.
19. The Role of Women.
20. Evangelism.
21. Organizing a Church.
466 pages.
8½" à 11" spiral bound.
Includes a comprehensive resource appendix on digital media (adding another 265 pages).
Appendix includes a sample set of By-Laws.
$35.00 plus shipping.