Bible Characters
F-CHARProduct Details
by: Robert J. Sargent.
Thirty-nine practical lessons taken from the lives of men and women in the Bible.
This volume is divided into four sections:
A. The Apostles of Jesus Christ.
B. Well-known Characters of the Old Testament.
C. Little-known Characters of the Bible.
D. Seasonal bonus lessons.
The lessons are set out in an outline form, and are suitable for SUNDAY SCHOOL series, or for general preaching.
The characters covered are: Abraham, Agabus, Ahithophel, Andrew, Apostles (The), Aquila, Barnabas, Barzillai, Caleb, Demas, Elijah, Esther, Hannah, Isaiah, Jabez, James (Zebedee), James (Alphaeus), Job, John, Joseph, Joshua, Josiah, Judas Iscariot, Lebbaeus Thaddaeus, Lot, Magi (The), Matthew, Matthias, Micaiah, Moses, Nathanael, Nehemiah, Obed-edom, Peter, Phoebe, Philip, Priscilla, Samson, Simon Zelotes, Thomas Didymus.
178 pages.
8½" x 11" spiral bound.