RUSSIAN Edition of "The New Testament Epistles" (Download)

Product Details
THE NEW TESTAMENT EPISTLES (Russian Translation) by: Robert J. Sargent
A New Testament Introduction
A faithful RUSSIAN translation of the two volume publication "Lectures in the New Testament Epistles" in printable format .pdf format. The publication provides a thorough study of each of the 21 New Testament epistles (together with an Introduction and a Background lesson), under the following heads:
- Author
- Writer
- Addressee
- Place of Writing
- Date of Writing
- Occasion for Writing
- Canonicity
- Theme
- Key Verse
- Style of the Book
- Outline of the Book
- Homiletic & Doctrinal Appeal
- Problem Texts
- Exercises
- Review Questions
The internet download comes with qualified permission to make unlimited copies. Requires Adobe Acrobat Reader (a free program).