Bible Preaching (Download)
EI-PREACHProduct Details
Bible Preaching (Download)
By: Robert J. Sargent
A training manual designed to be used by
pastors and evangelists to train their men in the science and art of effectual
Bible preaching.
The book has two main divisions — the Preparation
of Sermons (Homiletics) and the Preaching of Sermons (Oratory).
The lecture chapters are:
Introduction to
Sermon Basics
Sermon Types
The Invitation
Preaching Basics:
The Setting
Preaching Basics:
The Speaker
Preaching Basics:
The Style
Each lecture includes study questions. There is also a
preaching evaluation form, and two assignments.
192 pages
.pdf format. Comes with
qualified permission to make multiple copies.
Also available as a
printed spiral-bound book, a printable CD, and a read-only internet download